Tuesday, December 16

...and i sang along...

Has it ever happened to you: something mundane that has happened somewhere makes you connect it to life's bigger examples?

This time it was a mere Cd that prompted me to procrastinate...on greater significances...and i can see i am already gearing up towards complex reasoning!

.....This always happens to me whenever i keep any high expectations of anything...and this time round too, it wasnt any different.
The more i expect, the more dissappointed i become.

Well, sorry but its nothing serious as it sounds...case in point is just a 2 pack Cd called "Laya Project" based on the musical journey of folk communities along the coastal belts where the tsunami's path had crossed and cancelled lives and habitat; Now the point is, i am usually very particular about the music i buy, since most of the times, after a patient wait, one ends up getting hold of the Mp3..but this time, i had tried and tried in vain, and anyway this was "hatke music" not to be found in usual limewires and torrents hence i bought the cd yesterday...I wont say it was a disaster (nothing i do ever is!...leaving all modesty aside..its overrated!) but it certainly was nothing like the glimpses and clips i had heard in their website or perhaps the songs weren't organised effeciently...maane, the sequence of the songs in the cd was such that it doesnt hold your interest for long.But having said that, i will listen to it..if played at the right time and mood, i dont think it would sound that bad.

Now now...i don't mean to dissuade anybody from buying the Cd...go right ahead...the dvd is even better i think, it has some interesting videos during and while shooting.
This sort-of-banter was just to explain a simple point: do not have high expectations, you could end up being dissappointed. That's all!

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