Tuesday, November 18

reach out for the stars and reach the moon instead !! - part 2 (could'nt resist!)

In response to the comment of my previous post..this is part 2 !

that (the comment) was indeed a good one......but having said that, i still think i have few points to cover and yes, the underlying reason is far more complex for us to decipher...we can perhaps try for want of doing-something or to keep the debate going...and also it gives me a chance to do so, since a lot of times we can afford to wallow but not do anything more..... so here goes...

and yes there are flip sides to this mission etc....as to why it is great and all that and by saying that it is not justified and arguing that we are a poverty stricken country and we might need the Rs 350 crores for better things and repairing roads and what not....which is what i had opined in the post...and i think it is a problem of perception that we are facing here; and why i don't/ cant seem to agree is because i cannot bring myself to applaud the mission for the simple fact that the results (after the sucess of the mission)are not visible to me (directly or otherwise); i mean i am looking at it, the mission to be at the cost of the socio-economic advancement of a poverty stricken country....simple.

Then again on the other hand i am going to confute my own stand by saying that yes perhaps grassroot level problems need to be addressed/are being addressed and yes, as a nation we have earned accolades for the feat and i am not trying to lambaste them; perhaps good research is a growing symtom of a developing country like ours.
What is ultimately required is to change the mentality of the people....at the end of the day; good education etc and problems of the increasing population where the "poor" are increasing in number, by virtue of reproduction and otherwise. For eg: If we had not progressed in the IT sector, we wouldnt be the land of outsourcing and perhaps various other things would be at a primitive level (im just touching upon random egs here) . Just like saying, lets not have internet just cause people elsewhere (in the country) cannot eat or something like that ..im sure America also has its share of poor-people, where people die on the road out of frost bite..but it is a difference in degree perhaps and grass root problems are present in every country, developing or otherwise. I can keep arguing, but at the end of the day the point remains that we are not living in the stone age any more...guess this is how it has made people wish for the stars!! this is how a nation progresses ....so fine....go ahead....land on the moon!! im fine at home (on earth, ie. not literally ya!!)


Sahil said...

>>on earth, ie. not literally ya!
just as well... methinks you'd have been a tad lonely on the moon ;)

paromita banerjee said...

(p.s- the moon should be fine...i need my space yo!!) lol