Saturday, January 3


I started the year by watching "Slumdog Millionaire" .....which was a brilliant movie to start the year with.

Firstly the fact that it was a Danny Boyle movie; his last movie that i had seen was "Trainspotting" : choose a life, choose a job....watched it in one of our NID 'laserec'-middle-of-the-night screenings, i think.Though the movie was made in the latter part of the 90s i think...ancient in a way....then again there was "The Beach". 

Now, Slumdog was a great picturisation....of the Dharavi slums and how this boy/"chaiwala" from the slums 'rises up' and finally participates in the Who wants to be a millionaire show hosted by Anil Kapoor. Certain scenes...where the two young brothers (the young hero and his elder brother) escape in a train and the young girl is left behind....and slowly as the train chugs along, the silhouttes in black are outlined against the frame in a yellow amber hue....was amazing..and im obviously finding it difficult to express in words here; or the scene where this young boy, who is a crazy Amitabh Bacchan fan is locked inside the makeshift slum-loo while Amitabh Bacchan's helicopter lands close-by...what happens next is quite crazy, yikes and cute (!!)  at the same time...this guy, unable to step out, jumps into this pothole of shit...and scampers across the field, obviously covered with/in shit and goes straight to the Man and asks for his autograph....which his elder brother convieniently sells off for 3-4 bucks; There are lots more to add to the list of i-liked scenes, but words will not do justice i think. lets leave it at this.

Oh and  btw, the soundtrack was great too;